I am pleased to announce the appearance of my newest publication, USELESSNESS
Is it humankind’s most valuable tool?
co-edited with Luciano Parodi.
With COVID-19 any discussions and book launches are a far distant dream, but perhaps it is a fitting framework for a book with such a title!

Is it humankind’s most valuable tool?
This book contains eleven essays which explore uselessness and the value system which introduced the concept. It is particularly relevant to our current life in COVID 19 which has forced us to revise almost every assumption of how future societies will be constructed .
Current predictions suggest that the rise of artificial intelligence will produce an unemployable “useless” class to which most of us will belong. If indeed our future is to be defined by our uselessness, then shouldn’t our evaluation of it be reappraised?
With essays by:
Michelle Howard
Miguel Paredes Maldonado
Ruth Sonderegger
Owen Hatherley
Ryan Stec
Kerstin Meyer
Friedemann Schrenk
Sonia Leimer
Diedrich Diederichsen
Luciano Parodi