Murten car park:
Open Competition, Switzerland
How could a modern car park belong in front of the walls of a medieval walled town? Our project is inspired by this city and its surroundings without falling into historicization while at the same time being contemporary and innovative. Like the walled town, our project is surrounded by a circumferential construction, which adapts in a situational way to its surroundings and its inner use and at the same time remains recognizable as a cell. The stacking of the surrounding wall is inspired by the nearby Celtic Fort of MontVully. A robust primary structure of a double row of stakes and a finely finished secondary structure which winds its way between the outer and inner staked, intertwining the system. Just as the type of construction is ancient so too is the form, the primal form of the shell-amoeba (here the difflugia-rubescens). The constant Entrance and exit of the cars resemble the nutritional type and the form of the amoeba. We want to build a multi-story car park with the life expectancy of the walled town and the Celtic walls and meet the requirements of modern use. We use of concrete with basalt reinforcement- instead of steel. The volcanic stone is stronger, 89% lighter and has a high friction resistance. Naturally corrosion resistant, the structure is gossamer light and allows a maximum of light and air penetration. A Tensile structure woven from Basalt yarn spans and covers and cleans the surrounding aerosols. Cost-effectiveness: The building is prefabricated and composed of few modules. In a primary structure of basalt-concrete stubs with spars, the secondary structure of modeled, crossing arms (4 types) is hung in 2m modules and stacked.