Design Studio IKA Academy of fine Arts, Vienna
Bachelors Winter Semester 2016/17
Design Studio IKA Academy of fine Arts, Vienna
Bachelors Winter Semester 2016/17
Michelle Howard and Luciano Parodi
The City of Sankt Valentin in lower Austria has asked the CMT (Construction, Materials & Technology) platform at the Institute for Art and Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to design and build prototypes for 6 bus-stops at strategic positions. Situated in disparate areas lacking in reciprocity, the 6 bus-stops are clearly related to each other, weaving a common thread while assuming their identity as singular objects. They respond to very particular social, environmental and technological requirements, both on the micro-scale of each place and that of the city and its inhabitants.
This is also a research project and studies the exciting new technology of woven textile reinforcement, which replaces steel and its associated corrosion problems. Offering myriad possibilities of form through folding and shaping, extremely strong, thin skins and the free movement and integration of data, it would allow us to build with far less materials in the future. With it, we will construct the fabric of place in Sankt Valentin and one of the first free-standing textile concrete structures in Europe.
The successful full-scale prototype of one Bus-Stop is currently standing in the city of Sankt Valentin. For more information please visit our website. http://barch03.wixsite.com/fabricofplace
The City of Sankt Valentin
Mag. Kerstin Suchan-Mayr / Mayor, Patrick Hagmüller / Councillor, Doris Haider / City Marketing, Design Advisory Board / Anne Mautner Markhof / Paul Preiss / Christian Mang.
Philipp Behawy, Marcella Brunner, Marie Eham, Christina Ehrmann, Une Kavaliauskaite, Felix Kofler, Nathaniel Loretz, Tea Marta, Prima Mathawabhan, Madina Mussayeva, Nils Neuböck, Maximilian Pertl, Ruben Stadler, Patricia Tibu
Platform CMT
Univ.Prof. Michelle Howard / Head, Luciano Parodi / Senior Scientist, Peter Bauer/ Structures,Thomas Schwed/ Building Practice, Günther Dreger/ Model making, Jochen Käferhaus/ Services
Johannes Kirnbauer / UHPC-Ultra High Performance Concrete TU Vienna, Benjamin Kromoser / Concrete Technology TU Vienna, Johanna Reiner/ Collaboration City Workshop